Thursday, December 8, 2011

My First Marathon Race Experience

Marathon race day finally arrived. 0430 wake time and I was ready. My nerves had calmed immensely from what they were the day prior and I was feeling pretty good. My legs were fresh, I stretched, prayed and tried to focus on all my previous months of training and long runs, which had brought me to this moment. I packed up my bag, drank my required amount of Powerade and lets not forget the Body Glide! I felt confident and felt this was going to be a day I'd never forget. My bag was checked at 0630, more stretching and another round of Body Glide for good measure! The nerves were creeping back in along with the adrenaline I could feel pumping through my body.

Now I'd gone back and forth between where to place myself within the wave start. Of course my first goal initially was to just finish the race, but as my pace picked up in the last 6 weeks I began setting time goals. My first goal was a 4:10 finish (9.30 minute/mile). After a few long runs at a 9.05 minute/mile pace my goal then again changed to possibly a 4hr finish time. The pace team leaders at the Expo of course tried to talk me into the 4hr group, but still I was unsure.

So there I was making my way to the starting line, still unsure of which corral to place myself. Should I run in Corral #6, the 9 to 9.20 min/mile pace runners, or do I start in the front of corral #7, the 9.20 to 9.40 runners and start off slow. It was the difference between the 4hr and the 4:10 finish time. I am caught between the two with 15 mins till start and I see my dad making his way to me! Finally someone to help me make what I thought was such a crucial decision lol. We decided together, for me to start in the front of #7 and be ahead of the traffic, instead of the back of #6 where I would be crowded around ton of people making it harder to pass people, if I needed to do so.

I took my place at the front of the line, retied my shoes, pulled out my lucky chewing gum, and my ipod was set to go with Kings of Leon first in the shuffle! The race began and the corrals were started in 2 minute increments. At about 12 minutes passed 8am the horn sounded and I was off! I set my pace early and stayed ahead of the of the 4:10 pace leader (my initial goal from the start). I didn't want to start off too fast and burn out but I wanted to maintain a goal pace of 9.10 for my first 13 miles.

The miles went by quickly in the beginning. The crowd was great, music, cheering and signs all over. The first few miles were a bit of a blur, just trying to stay on pace and not trip over the person in front and behind me! There were runners everywhere! Even if I had wanted to pass, it was not going to happen at this stage in the game because there was no room to do so! Mile 5 is quickly approaching and the St Jude campus was in site! What an amazing and just awing experience this was. I high fived excited little children, some even patients and it just blew me away! Signs of appreciation and of encouragement to press on were all over the streets, as these precious children cheered and clapped as I ran by. I was choked up to say the least! And I knew at that moment this was not just about finishing a race, but it was about supporting these sweet children, who were fighting for their lives...

What else along the course could top that experience? I would say nothing...except for the finish of course, but I'll get to that. The miles went flew by, one by one and I was feeling great. I stayed focused and even when my feet began to slightly ache by mile 8 I pressed on. I was well ahead of the 4:10 pacer and to my surprise, by mile 9, I see the 4hr sign in clear view. Could it be that I caught up to the front of the corral #6 group? I tried to not get too excited, but instead remained focused and decided to scale back a bit and save my energy for the last 13.

The half and full runners split just at the 12th mile. The crowds thinned significantly but my energy and excitement picked up greatly. By this time I had passed the 4hr pacer and I felt like I could fly! Just past mile 13 I see Matt, my dad and some friends! That just gave me the extra push. Halfway done and let's go! Ironically the next song I hear is Fly by Rhianna and I am getting pumped. The hills are coming more frequently and staying longer and by mile 16 I am a little tired but still staying strong. I planned out my strategy for my last 10 and knew I had it in me to finish this race.

By mile 18, I am slightly behind the 4hr pacer, but still under a projected 4hr finish time since I started in corral #7, putting them 2 full minutes ahead of me at the start. I am keeping hydrated, checking my form, but I am definitely feeling it by mile 19 and 20.

6 more to go I tell myself! That is an easy day run that I do all the time! Anything to keep my eye on the finish. Another Powerade at mile 21 and I am down to 5 miles! What could go wrong, right? Ha! My mind should have communicated a bit more with the stomach, because apparently he didn't get the memo, like the rest of my body that I was about to finish my marathon in under 4 hours and it was time to focus here!

Mile 22 I knew something was not quite right. Now, for the sake of my full embarrassment and just to spare you some not so pleasant details, we will just say that halfway into mile 22 an unforeseen bowel problem occurred, which forced me to pull over at the next porta-potty for 14 entire minutes! And let me add that the poor girl (and let's not forget the only girl working the water station!) that helped me in my time of need is probably scarred for life and for that I feel terrible! Time was ticking (literally) and I realized the awesome pace I had maintained throughout the race was crushed and I was not going to make the 4hr mark. Now some have told me they would have quit, giving the circumstances. But that was not an option for me! 4 months of training, time, energy, injury, money and my hope of running a marathon meant too much to just say forget it. I was going to finish this race, no matter what!

I take care of business, drink a cup of Powerade and press on! At this point, I have no idea what pace I am at and where the 4:10 group is, but who cares I have got to get to work. I just keep running, keep moving. My mind is hurting but my heart is making me keep going. I keep telling myself, I've got this. I can finish, I will finish. One more drink at mile 24 and here we go. No sign of hitting a wall, but my legs are getting heavy. I make my way back through downtown and all I can see is my sweet baby girls face pictured in my mind (and Matt too lol, but I really wanted to see Maddy!). It was almost over, the pain would be worth it. And as I make my way to mile 26 my heart sores and I know I have got this! My heart is pounding, my aching legs are crying out but I know, they know what is coming. I turn in to enter the stadium and my dad is waiting right before I enter the last leg! We high five and it was over for my emotions! I fought back tears as I made my way to the finish and as I come to the last few strides I see my brother and other family with signs cheering for me and with the greatest feeling of joy I crossed that finish line! I did it!

I finished in 4hr 9min and even beat the 4:10 pace group I started with in corral #7!

I made my way through the crowd and met up with the very people who made that finishing moment possible. They got me through the rough times and even in what could have been a very devastating turn of events at mile 23, seeing their faces that very moment in my mind allowed me to continue on and finish the race. Many pictures and hugs later, I was elated and just taking it all in. That day will forever be one of the greatest of my life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

26.2 miles...The Making of a Marathoner

Wow where do I start!? Just a few days ago I finished a marathon...26.2 miles! Seems so surreal but so amazing all at the same time. Considering where I was 2 years ago, not running at all, it seems crazy to think about how it all came to be. I had a dream, made a goal, found a plan and just went for it. I won't say it was easy, far from that if anything. But all the obstacles, all the hard training days, life stresses and even injuries were so worth the end result. It has made me stronger and has proven to myself and a few others that if you truly want something in life, you have to be brave, believe in yourself, trust God and know that with Him you will have the ability to make it happen.

I will never forget the week I decided to change my status from the half to the full race. Several things happened, but the one thing I remember most vividly is running through the rain one evening and wondering if I really could do this. I was coming into mile 7 of a 10 mile run( my first 10 mile run), my ipod went out (and those who know me well know I have to run with music!), and I look up into the sky and see a rainbow appearing and all of sudden I felt God saying to me, "You can do this Sarah, it won't be easy and there will be hard times ahead, but you can do this." In that moment, I felt God carrying me those last 3 miles, and I believed he would do the same for 26.2....

In the week I decided to do the full, I got some funny looks, and a few comments questioning my sanity! Why in the world would you want to run 26 miles?! I heard that A LOT! lol I began to ask myself why in the world I felt compelled to put myself through the vigorous training that was coming my way. Here it is. I love to run. I am passionate about it. Some like painting, crafts, decorating, party planning, weight lifting and the list could go on. Me, I want to run. What do I want to do when I am stressed, mad, sad, angry, happy, excited or just to pass time? Run. When do I have my best thinking and best prayer time? When I am running! Preferably outside, although I am starting to love the treadmill on these cold rainy days we've had here lately! Running is my thing, and when I am needing a break from the world, from work, and being a wife and mother (which I love dearly!), just give me my running shoes, ipod and the open road and I will be one happy lady. You have to have YOU time and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! Your family and your sanity will be better for it...

I will post about the race experience soon...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sugar Free Peppermint Mocha Creamer is here!

For those of us counting carbs this holiday season, here is some yummy low carb creamer with only 2g carbs and 15 calories!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

18 week Marathon Training for Newbies Like Myself! I loved this schedule...

Hal Higdon

Here is your Novice 2 training schedule. The below chart tells you what to do for each day for the 18 weeks leading to the marathon.

Marathon Training Schedule: Novice 2



3 m run

5 m pace

3 m run






3 m run

5 m run

3 m run






3 m run

5 m pace

3 m run






3 m run

6 m pace

3 m run






3 m run

6 m run

3 m run






3 m run

6 m pace

3 m run






4 m run

7 m pace

4 m run






4 m run

7 m run

4 m run






4 m run

7 m pace

4 m run



Half Mar



4 m run

8 m pace

4 m run






5 m run

8 m run

5 m run






5 m run

8 m pace

5 m run






5 m run

5 m pace

5 m run






5 m run

8 m run

5 m run






5 m run

5 m pace

5 m run






5 m run

4 m pace

5 m run






4 m run

3 m run

4 m run






3 m run

2 m run



2 m run


White Chicken Chili

Yummy White Chicken Chili! Great for a cool Fall evening meal...

1 Rotisserie Chicken, skin removed and shredded
3 cans of Northern beans or white beans
3 packets of McCormick White Chicken Chili mix
3 cans water
1 small can chopped green chile peppers
1 TBS of minced garlic
dash of chili powder and pepper if desired

Combine all in large soup pot and heat on medium until bubbling.
Top with lowfat cheese and lowfat sour cream!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Muscle Milk Light!

If you are tired of the Advant Edge Shakes (they are a bit watery and nasty I know!), try Muscle Milk Light! Both Chocolate and Vanilla are very good and have a much richer taste with just as much protein, less calories and no sugar!

Post Baby Workout Plan!

Not being able to run during the last third of my pregnancy was terrible! Mainly because that left me only being able to do the same old elliptical every day and I like variety. So needless to say, when I went for my 6 week check up, I was beyond relieved that I was able to get back to running outside again! I will say sticking with the workouts throughout pregnancy made for a much easier time getting back in shape after having Jackson. So even though I couldn't run after 6 months of being pregnant, sticking with the gym kept me in shape, so when I did get the ok to start back I was able to pick up where I left off and stretch my distance pretty quick. So here is my 7 day workout plan that I have followed pretty much every week now since about 5 weeks pp. (Each days workout comes out to roughly 60-70 min per day.)

Sunday: Elliptical 35min Weights 35min
Monday: Run 6 miles and abs
Tuesday: Elliptical and Weights 35min
Wednesday: Run 7-7.5 miles and abs
Thursday: Elliptical 35min and Weights 35min
Friday: Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Levels 1 and 3 and abs
Saturday: Run 7-8 miles and abs

*I recommend P90x ab ripper x (15min) 3x per wk which ever days or Jillians 6 week to six pack dvd for abs.

Monday, May 9, 2011

What I am loving to eat this week!

So vacation is over and about to start back to work this weekend, after an amazing maternity leave! I have gotten a ton of messages this week from old friends and even strangers asking about what I am eating here lately to get the baby weight off. So I thought I would share a few new things I have been eating to change this up and bit.

This week it is back to phase 1 for me! But I know eating the same thing every day gets old and boring. So this week I am starting my day with my coffee (with sweet and low and reg cream of course), and eating 2 eggs scrambled with 2% cheese, bell pepper and onion, salt and pepper with a turkey sausage patty to go with it. Yum! This will keep me filled up for hours and has less than 300 calories for all of it, even with the coffee.

For lunch this week, I am making turkey and ham roll ups using lean ham and turkey. I take the meat and a piece of the soft laughing cow cheese (garlic and herb), spread the cheese onto the meat, roll up and eat! It is very good. I eat a tomato and cucumber salad with vinaigrette to go with or maybe carrot sticks and celery with a light dressing.

My snack will of course be a low carb yogurt or protein shake.

And lastly dinner. Tonight I am making a spinach salad topped with cucumber, tomato, feta cheese, bacon pieces, a few almonds and steak with my parmesan vinaigrette dressing! So good and so feeling. You can get most of your daily vegetables in just by eating this!.

Dessert might be the new Coldstone Creamery light hot chocolate (from walmart) or a sugar free pudding. The new sweet temptation chocolate mouse is really good too.

These are just a few new suggestions from my original food list. And don't forget if you are just starting the diet or getting back on it after a break, you can expect a headache for a few days! It will subside I promise :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

South Beach Diet Friendly Chicken Nuggets with Almond Meal

South Beach Diet Friendly Chicken Nuggets with Almond Meal
(Makes two servings)

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1-2 T olive oil (enough to generously coat the baking sheet)
1/2 cup almond meal
1 tsp. paprika (not smoked or hot)
1/2 tsp. poultry seasoning
salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

Turn on the oven to 400F/205C. Brush a baking sheet liberally with olive oil and put the pan in the oven to heat as the oven preheats.

Trim all visible fat and tendons from chicken breasts, then cut each breast into 5 nugget pieces (or more if you have a very large breast.) Use a meal mallet or something heavy to pound the thicker nugget pieces so they're all the same thickness.

Combine the almond meal, paprika, poultry seasoning, salt, and pepper in a bowl, mixing together well. Dip each nugget piece into the almond meal mixture, pressing on with your fingers so it coats the chicken. Coat all the nuggets before you remove the baking sheet from the oven.

When all nuggets are coated, lay them on the hot baking sheet and cook 8-10 minutes, or until the side touching the pan is lightly browned. Remove pan from oven, turn nuggets, and bake 10-12 minutes more on the second side, until nuggets are lightly browned and cooked through. (Don't overcook.) Serve hot, with mustard or ranch dipping sauce if desired.

Baked Pesto Chicken

Baked Pesto Chicken
(Makes 4 servings)

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
salt and fresh ground black pepper for seasoning chicken
1/2 cup basil pesto
2 oz. (1/2 cup) grated low-fat mozzarella cheese

Preheat oven to 375F/190C. Trim all visible fat and tendons from chicken pieces, then cut each chicken breast lengthwise into 2 or 3 pieces. (I cut the larger ones into 3 strips and the smaller ones into 2 strips.)

Spray a 9" x 12" (or 8.5" X 12.5") baking dish with non-stick spray, then spread 1/4 cup basil pesto over the bottom of the dish. Lay chicken strips over the pesto, then spread 1/4 cup more basil pesto over the chicken.

Cover the baking dish with aluminum foil (or use a baking dish with a tight-fitting lid) and bake the chicken for 25-30 minutes, just until chicken is barely firm and cooked through. (Don't cook too much at this point, or the chicken will be overcooked by the time the cheese is melted and browned.)

When chicken is barely cooked through, remove foil and sprinkle chicken with 1/2 cup grated mozzarella cheese. Put dish back into the oven without foil and cook 5 minutes more, just until cheese is melted.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mustard Chicken

Mustard Chicken (Makes 8 servings)

8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1-2 T olive oil (will depend on your pan)
poultry seasoning to season chicken before browning

Sauce:1/2 cup light mayo
1/2 cup light sour cream
2 T Dijon mustard
1 tsp. dry mustard
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1 1/2 cups chicken stock (can be canned chicken broth)
chopped parsley for garnish (optional)

Make very small slits crosswise down the length of each breast. (This helps the sauce to penetrate. Be careful not to cut through too far.) Season chicken with poultry seasoning on both sides. Heat olive oil in large frying pan big enough to hold the chicken in a single layer, add chicken and cook about 4 minutes on the first side, until chicken is lightly browned. Turn chicken over and cook 2-3 minutes on the second side, until chicken feels almost, but not quite firm to the touch. (It will continue to cook in the sauce, so don't overcook.)

While chicken cooks, put all sauce ingredients in bowl or large measuring cup, and whisk to combine. When chicken is well browned, lower heat and pour sauce over. Simmer 20 minutes, being sure to keep heat at a very low simmer. After 20 minutes, remove chicken from pan and whisk the sauce a few times to be sure it's smooth. Serve hot, with a little sauce spooned over each piece of chicken, garnishing with fresh parsley if desired.

Southwestern Egg Casserole

Southwestern Egg Casserole(Makes 10-12 servings)

18 eggs
4 oz. can diced green chiles
14.5 oz. can diced tomatoes, very well drained
Spike seasoning to taste, about 2 tsp. for me
12 oz. grated low fat cheddar cheese
2-3 T thinly sliced green onions
Sour cream, for serving
Salsa, for serving

Preheat oven to 375 F. Open tomatoes and place in colander placed in the sink to drain. Spray 9" X 13" glass casserole dish with nonstick spray or olive oil. In large bowl, beat eggs until well-combined, then mix in well-drained tomatoes, green chiles with any juice, and Spike seasoning. Put cheese in bottom of casserole dish . Sprinkle with green onions if using, then pour egg mixture over. (I like to take a fork and gently mix so all the cheese is well distributed in the egg.)Bake uncovered 40-45 minutes, or until eggs are well set and top is starting to brown slightly. Serve casserole hot with a dollop of sour cream on top and a few spoonfuls of salsa on top.

Mushroom and Feta Breakfast Casserole

Mushroom and Feta Breakfast Casserole(Makes about 10 servings)

18 eggs
2T half and half or milk
1 pound mushrooms, washed and sliced
2-3 tsp. olive oil (depending on your pan)
1 1/2 cups crumbled Feta cheese(or 3/4 cups feta and 3/4 cups of another white cheese)
2 tsp. Spike seasoning
salt to taste
fresh ground black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 375. Spray 9 X 13 glass casserole dish with nonstick spray. Saute mushrooms in olive oil until they're softened and slightly browned, about 5 minutes. Drain mushrooms if there's any liquid in the pan, then spread evenly over bottom of casserole dish. Crumble feta over mushrooms. Beat eggs with half and half or milk, Spike Seasoning, salt (if using) and pepper. Pour over mushroom-feta mixture, then stir gently with a fork so that mushrooms and cheese are evenly distributed in the egg mixture. Bake 45 minutes, or until eggs are set and top is starting to brown.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Running/Workout Playlist

It has been a while since I posted! But I have put together a playlist of some of my favorite running/workout songs. Not all are fast, but the ones that aren't are still very motivating, especially if you are a runner! So here it is, enjoy!

Temper Trap: Sweet Disposition
Metric: Black Sheep or anything off their album
Paper Tongues: Get Higher
One Republic: Secrets
Glasvegas: Geraldine
Temper Trap: Fader, Science of Fear and Love Lost
Paper Tongues: Trinity
Coldplay: Life in Technicolor II, Politik and Lost
Metric: All Yours (from Eclipise) and Gold Guns
Sia: Clap Your Hands
Usher: OMG and DJ Got Us Fallen in Love
Justin Bieber: Somebody to Love Remix
Lady Gaga: Bad Romance and Poker Face remix
Taio Cruz: Dynamite and Break Your Heart
The Bravery: Slow Poison
Black Eyed Peas: Rock that Body and I Gotta Feelin
Coldplay: Lovers in Japan
Sia: My Love